Heather Joins The Round

Because the world needs more knitting blogs.

Monday, May 01, 2006

It's Sure Not Knitting

Here's a sample of what my DH and I did this Sunday while the other grrls were off having tea. We made holes in our cieling, removed the old ugly light fixtures, and replaced them with these sexy four inch cans. Thanks to my DH's mad skills, they not only work but are also properly grounded and screwed into studs! And I got to use power tools! We've been working on the kitchen for a while, removing wallpaper (well, most of it) and taking the pine paneling off the cieling. The polka dots you see are remnants of glue which used to hold paneling on the cieling. Soon (well, sooner or later) all will be patched, sanded, textured, trimmed out, and painted white. Neat, eh?

But not as fun as knitting... Posted by Picasa


  • At 6:00 AM, Blogger Stitch-n-Snitch said…

    But the dots were so--um--mod?! :)

  • At 4:24 PM, Blogger Katherine Of It All said…

    Is there anything more stressful to a marriage besides remodeling? ...Maybe in-laws. The death of a child. Infidelity. Okay, so lots of things are stressful, but here's hoping your remodeling ain't one of them! Hope to see you tonight.

  • At 8:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    When you said holes in the ceiling I thought all the little circles were the holes at first. Figured they must be, since that's what it looks like when we do anything around the house. But no, now I see, they aren't lol. I was hoping you were a crazy "I know the studs around here somewhere let me just put a hole here and see" like we are.....Since you aren't, let's pretend this conversation didn't happen, and no, that's not a row of holes in the wall....

  • At 6:35 PM, Blogger Katherine Of It All said…

    Have fun running around The Continent. We'll miss you, even if you're too busy to miss us!


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