Heather Joins The Round

Because the world needs more knitting blogs.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Where I Didn't Go On My Summer Vacation

Missed the train to Hogwart's, and couldn't even get a good shot of the platform!

We happened upon this on our first morning in England as we transfered trains in King's Cross Station. I'd heard about it--from Teri, of course--but it had kind of slipped my mind until we were hurrying to meet our train on platform 10. How cool is that?


  • At 8:50 PM, Blogger Katherine Of It All said…

    Well now, it doesn't really work if there's a sign up, now does it? It's supposed to be a SECRET platform!

  • At 5:52 AM, Blogger Stitch-n-Snitch said…

    YOU ARE SOOO LUCKY! I couldn't get to the "trainy" part of Kings' Cross when I was in England two years ago. Hope you said hey to any wizardy-looking people around. :)


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