Heather Joins The Round

Because the world needs more knitting blogs.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Sockin' along

Socks in progress! I am really enjoing knitting two at the same time. As a sock newbie, the process is still new enough that I basically re-learn everything for sock 2.0. This way, it's all fresh and I get to repeat the new stuff I'm still geeked on. I think it will really work to my advantage when I'm on the really cool part of socks: turning the heel, etc.

As a bonus, the stripes are coming out pretty similar. At SnB last Tuesday, I wound half the yarn onto a niddy-noddy so I'd have two even skeins. This was part of the committee redesign I blogged about. Thanks again for all the great advice! Posted by Picasa


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