Heather Joins The Round

Because the world needs more knitting blogs.

Monday, November 20, 2006


"Surprise", there's no picture!

I have been trying to upload a picture of Fingerless Glove #1 for 24 hours now, and I quit. I need to find a better way to handle the pictures, but I don't really want to learn anything new that's not related to knitting... Isn't that lame? It's uberlame, I know it. I have to overcome this!

The fingerless gloves were originally supposed to be a surprise Christmas gift for my husband, but he surprised me by asking me to make him a pair. It's actually better this way, although I'm down a gift, because he can try them on.

They are my first gloves, and they're going well. I'm using this worsted weight 50/50 wool/alpaca I got at Stitches West from Webs last year. I had the ball band out, but I can't reach it as Silver's in the way.

Speaking of Silver, our new kitty's doing really well. He's very friendly, playful, and lovey, an ideal kitty for a family with kids and lots of child guests. He's actually perched on my shoulder right now, purring in my ear and giving me a backache. Sweetie! Lance is dealing with the interloper by pretending he doesn't exist, and eating as much kitten chow as he can sneak.


  • At 3:29 PM, Blogger Stitch-n-Snitch said…

    Wow, I wonder what the problem is in the picture department! I just pull the little card out of my camera, plug it into the slot, a wizard opens, I upload the pic and then it's on my computer.

    After that, I just crop the pic with the default Windows picture thingie and then use Blogger to upload the photo.

    The next time we're over, I can give you a tutorial if need be! :)


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