New Knitting!
Not much knitted on the Sock Class Sock (must find a better name...), but I did get the heel turned and finished the gusset, so it's all mindless knitting until the toe.
But what is that knitting on the right? Well, grrlfriends, that is my sister L's FIRST KNITTING EVER! Doesn't she rock? We're going to buy yarn today so she can make something more exciting than a garter stitch square.
Sharing the craft is sharing the joy!
At 9:07 PM, Katherine Of It All said…
Wow! I love it when I get the chance to share the Gospel of Knitting. The opportunity is so rare! Way to go, L. And way to go, Heather--you obviously have teaching ability, since L.'s not the only one to learn the thrill from you.
At 7:44 AM, Leslie said…
No, I bought the monkey quilt at Target along with the monkey sheets. Joshie loves it! Thank you for the comments on the shelf. I really love it. And it was suprisingly easy.
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