I know, this is supposed to be a knitting blog. It's been forever since I posted any actual knitting content, but I ever since reading
Jacquie's blog this morning I can't resist the temptation to do her Three Wishes meme.
Here are my three wishes:1) World Peace without tyranny.
2) Morons may no longer hold elected office anywhere. I am also thinking that all world leaders might need a comprehensive review of 20th Century History before taking office. Maybe taught by
Howard Zinn? I realize this is undemocratic, and I feel a little twinge, but not much of one. It's just a wish, right?
3) For #3 I am leaning towards a) Universally available clean water, or b) Mutual Respect. Would mutual respect bring clean water to all? Also am considering a provision by which mean people's mouths would spontaneously be superglued shut...But I'm pretty sure that's covered by Mutual Respect.
Am now considering all kinds of Monkey's Paw-type scenarios in which my innocent wishes breed tragedy...I realize they're dictatorial wishes. Is that bad karma? It's certainly arrogant of me.
Back to the Knitting:1) Brought the "Wheew" socks to Kansas and Arkansas on vacation, but I didn't finish them. I'm too attached to them to want them finished. What is it about knitting socks? They're so soothing!
2) Learned a VERY COOL thing last night at SnB. Most (better) knitters already know this, but I didn't. You form the long edge, that is the top edge, of triangular shawls by casting on just a few stitches at the center and increasing at regular intervals. This magically forms a long straight line! I've always assumed that if you cast on a few stitches you'd be working on the point, not the long straight part. MAGIC! Thanks,